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Beyond Mindfulness:

A meditation course with Connor and Hanna

October 11th & 18th

6pm-8pm MST both days 

Sign up includes the recording



Meditation isn't just a verb [doing],
and it isn't just a noun [being.]
It's the doing that gets us to the being

What is there beyond guided visualization?
What is there beyond stress-relief? 
What is there beyond mindfulness?

We've noticed something lacking in the modern understanding of meditation. Beyond Mindfulness is our thoughtful response to this. Join us for our grounded, traditional perspectives on meditation, and instruction on how you can thread ancient wisdom into your modern life.

We are initiates of deeply integral spiritual traditions. As in: Spirituality that integrates the immanent with the transcendent, heaven and earth, mind and body. This quality of spirituality is geared around the realities of living in the world. In this approach, every aspect of life is seen as the path to God.

However, despite what some have been led to believe, meditation is still essential on the integral path.

Imagine it like this: What's faster? Bringing a simmering pot of water to a boil, or a cold pot of water to a boil? We are the pot of water, and our daily practice is what keeps us simmering so that we can contact our boiling state [meditation] more easily.

Ultimately, we want to integrate the inner experiences in meditation with our outer life by dragging the awareness we gain in our practice into the world, thus benefitting it.

We do not believe that meditation needs to be a huge time commitment, but it is worth committing to. Join us to not only understand why, but also to bring new life into a blossoming or existing meditation practice.

This course is for all levels!

Course dates:
October 11th @ 6PM-8PM MST 
October 18th @ 6PM-8PM MST
What to expect on day one: 

🌹 Sufi teaching stories
🌹 What it means to go "Beyond Mindfulness." 
🌹 Filling in the gaps:
what the modern understanding of meditation lacks. 
🌹 The metaphysics of the breath 
🌹 The role of Grace in meditation 
🌹 Group practice & practices for the week
🌹 Q&A 

What to expect on day two: 

🌹 Space for discussion about our week of practice. 
🌹 Looking for the source of joy in joy. 
🌹 Tasting vs. Drinking our spiritual experiences. 
🌹 Navigating emotions that may come up 
🌹 Threading devotion into meditation
🌹 The real reason why it's hard to commit to a regular practice. 
🌹 Group practice & final Q&A 

About your instructors:
Connor Marvin is a Sufi initiate & meditation instructor.
Hanna Williams is a Classical Tantra initiate & mentor.
This course is for you if: 
You desire consistency but struggle with regularity.
 You're confused about past experiences you've had in meditation.
 You want a regular practice that actually WORKS!
 You are interested in traditional spiritual metaphysics
 You want to thread meditation into your day-to-day life.

 You desire more clarity around the true purpose of meditation.  
 You just love learning with Connor and Hanna ;) 

Stoked? Register below!  
Can't make it live?
Sign up includes the recording. :) 

Upcoming Events

  • Group Meditation with Hanna
    Group Meditation with Hanna
    30 minute group meditation + 15 minutes of practice Q&A
  • Mini-Meditation with Hanna
    Mini-Meditation with Hanna
    15 minute group meditation + 15 minutes of practice Q&A
  • THE EGO 101 (course bundle)
    THE EGO 101 (course bundle)
  • THE EGO 101
    THE EGO 101
    Tue, Apr 30
  • Twin Flames Redefined
    Twin Flames Redefined
    Wed, Jan 31
    Wed, Aug 30
Anchor 1

So excited!
See you there.

Will attending Beyond Mindfulness be a legitimate financial strain for you? 

You have options. If you would prefer to make two payments of $36, please email me and I can set that up for you. You can also email me to "pay what you can." There is no need to state the details of your situation. "Pay what you can" students will be accepted on a limited basis and will be notified by email if they are accepted. 
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