Sunday, March 20th @ 3PM MST
Hanna Williams (organic.abundance)
& Connor Marvin (merlins.workshop)
Length: approx. 3 hours (with a short break)
Location: ZOOM
Cost: sliding scale $33-$66 (see below for details)
Registration includes the recording!
A sacred space is the
☎️☎️ phonebooth ☎️☎️
that connects you with
That which you are
🙇♀️🙇♂️devoted to.🙇♀️🙇♂️

Join us on March 20th
🌷[Spring Equinox]🌷
to learn how to start
✨✨[or amplify]✨✨
an effective sacred space
🙇♀🙇♂️or altar.🙇♀🙇♂️
Here's what to expect:
Q: How will we start?
Q: What will you talk about?
Q: What will I walk away with?
Q: I'm in! How do I register?
A: We will begin our time together with a short grounding meditation to encourage us to enter the space with renewed clarity. And then, we will go right into giving our talk about Sacred Spaces!
A: Connor and Hanna will be sharing frameworks and guidelines to build sacred spaces from a Western Occult and Yogic perspective.
This class is for you if:
🌷 you feel drawn to make an altar space—but desire more direction and guidance around constructing it.
🌷 you feel held back from creating a space because you worry that you’re doing it “wrong” (hint: there’s no wrong way of doing, only a wrong way of looking.😉)
🌷 you already have a sacred space but you’re looking to go deeper and call in a more sustained experience of felt-Presence.
However, an effective sacred space needs a proper foundation, which actually transcends its physical anatomy. Prior to building the space itself, we also must build up the framework of our minds—how do we look at a space in such a way that the Presence can come forward, and when we're there making the call... do we know who we are asking to come forward?
First, we must find our seat in our devotion, and then with the faith we generate there, our prayers will certainly be answered.
Introduce the spiritual worldview we operate from
Underline the importance of Devotion/Reverence
Personal stories from our experiences as practitioners
Difference between a working altar and devotional altar
The anatomy of an altar
Deity altars, saint altars, ancestor altars, planetary altars.
The three types of prayer
Questions / Consultations (!)
After our talk, we will devote significant time to answering questions and doing real-time consultations about building your own space. Please come to class prepared to ask questions about building your own sacred space.
A: You will walk away with more confidence to construct a new sacred space, or to amplify an existing sacred space. Included with registration is
a recording of our time together,
journaling prompts to get you in touch with what you are devoted to,
and a worksheet that covers planetary correspondences for buildings/amplifying a space.
A: Register below! Registration will close at 11am MST on Sunday, March 20th. To join the seminar, payment is simply due before then.
how to register:
Follow the paypal link to pay either $33 or $66 to reserve your spot in the seminar. Please choose the registration fee that best reflects what you are able to afford.
And that's it: You're in! 🎉🥂
PLEASE NOTE: You will NOT receive a confirmation email. The only email you will receive after payment is the zoom link invitation at 12pm MST the day of the seminar.
IMPORTANT: You will be sent this link to the email that is linked to your PayPal account. If you want the zoom link sent to a different email, please email me after payment and I will update your email on my attendance list.
Your payment is non-refundable. If you miss the live seminar, you will still have access to the replay which will be emailed to you after class ends.

Click here to pay $33
to reserve your spot!
is closed
Click here to pay $66
to reserve your spot!
is closed
So excited,
see you there!

Will attending Sacred Spaces 101 be a legitimate financial strain for you?
We are happy to offer scholarships for Sacred Spaces 101. If the class fee would present a problem for you financially, please email me and say that you are interested in a scholarship. There is no need to state the details of your situation. However, you will not receive a confirmation email unless you have been given a scholarship. If you receive a scholarship, you will receive a confirmation email on Friday, March 18th and then be included in the zoom invitation email with everyone else on March 20th.